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    Art of Translation / Babel


Proper words in proper places make the true definition of a style.Jonathan Swift

A professional translation agency is waiting to help you with your foreign language documents!

Each of us at some point of our lives may encounter a tough nut to crack, which is understanding a complicated, foreign-language text. Trying to find a specialist in both Norwegian languages ​​may be even more difficult, because they are really complicated. At this point, artoftranslation.pl comes to the rescue, where the best specialists in this field work. Art of Translation is led by Ewa M. Bilińska, a sworn translator of Norwegian and Danish, a graduate of Scandinavian studies at the University of Gdańsk, who has been continuously involved in translation for 30 years. During this time, she has also built a team of experienced translators. This is a sign of the high quality of our services and a guarantee of expertly translated orders.

Certified documents, utility texts, literature and verification of machine-made translations (post-editing) – a huge variety of choices!

Art of Translation offers written translations of all major Scandinavian languages. Norwegian (Bokmål and Nynorsk), Danish, Swedish, and even Finnish, Icelandic or Faroese – we will help you with any of these languages!

We translate all types of documents, including medical, judicial, tax, work abroad, changes in marital status and many others.

We also translate from other, more popular European languages, such as English, German or French.

If necessary or at the client’s request, we use modern CAT tools such as Memsource, Transperfect, Trados or Phrase.

We also provide comprehensive services to companies and work online on the indicated platform.

We also invite you to our Polish-language blog, where you can find interesting information related to Scandinavia and many more.

If you need a fast and well-done translation – ask us!

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